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Visit These Locations from “Let’s Play”

Visit These Locations from “Let’s Play”

Posted 2 months ago

Visit California’s latest ad, “Let’s Play,的特色是一场遍布金州的“keep -up”游戏. In the high-energy spot, 在旧金山,一个沙滩球从一辆叮叮当当的缆车上弹起,一直往北到Yurok Country,一直到圣地亚哥的Rady Shell, making multiple scenic stops along the way.

正如广告所示,bbin游戏官网都以不同的方式定义“玩耍”. 也许是指在约书亚树国家公园攀登岩石, shredding the slopes near Lake Tahoe, or lounging by a pool in Palm Springs. 看看下面的广告,看看哪些目的地将成为你自己的终极游乐场的一部分.

Ride a cable car,
San Francisco

Part of the fun of San Francisco 仅仅是在出行——城市的公共交通系统都是有用的吗 标志性的. Start your adventure downtown on one of the famous cable cars,在广告中看到,要去的社区如 中国town, Nob Hill, or Fisherman’s Wharf. 上车的最佳地点是鲍威尔街和市场街的交汇处,是 Powell-Mason Cable Car line, but you can also hop on along the Powell-Hyde Cable Car line. 为了进一步加深您对叮当作响的汽车的欣赏,请访问免费的 Cable Car Museum, 在哪里你可以看到19世纪70年代的缆车,以及今天仍然为系统提供动力的巨大齿轮. 

Walk among the earth’s biggest trees,
红杉资本 & Kings Canyon National Parks

在里面徒步旅行既令人谦卑又鼓舞人心 红杉资本 & Kings Canyon National Parks. After all, this is the home of the General Sherman Tree它高275英尺,直径36英尺,是地球上最大的生物. Visit it by exploring the Congress Trail then see 更多的 big trees就像广告中看到的那样,沿着100巨人之路. Don’t miss the Grant Grove, where you’ll find the 267-foot General Grant, also known as “the Nation’s Christmas Tree.”

Climb boulders,
Joshua Tree National Park

这里有大约8000个已知的攀登点和400个独特的岩层, Joshua Tree National Park is a rock-climber’s dream. You don’t need to be an expert to try it, either. 例如,回声湾有适合新手和高级登山者的路线. 专家们可以在拱门岩石小径上触摸巨大的巨石, such as the 30-foot-tall Arch Rock, located a half-mile from the Twin Tanks parking area. 拿起你的登山鞋、粉笔和其他装备 Nomad Ventures.更喜欢简单地欣赏地面上可爱的植物群? 探索 小径 such as 印度n Cove, an easy 0.6-mile path surrounded by boulders, the Cholla Cactus Garden, 粉色铅笔紫和沙漠薰衣草的平环.

Wine Tasting at Leoness Cellars,
Temecula Valley

Temecula Valley由于沿河的家族拥有的酒庄,美国的葡萄酒行业保持着它不为人知的魅力 De Portola Wine Trail. A great place to start is Leoness Cellars上世纪70年代,这里最初是一个柑橘和牛油果果园,后来在90年代变成了葡萄果园. 今天,他们的port, Syrahs和Meritage混合酒备受赞誉. Take one of the 旅游 去了解他们的农耕方式,木桶陈酿,或者做一个 progressive tasting flight. 酒庄还设有一间现场餐厅和轮换的现场音乐表演.

See the Hollywood Sign,
Los Angeles

有几种方式可以欣赏到终极景观 Los Angeles—the l和mark Hollywood Sign. 你可以沿着穆赫兰道(Mulholl和 Drive)开车,或者在探索这座城市4300英亩的土地时看到它 Griffith Park. Get a good look at the sign from the park’s Griffith Observatory, or by hiking the five-mile Mt. Hollywood Trail. 或者打开你内心的通道(格里菲斯公园也是 Autry Museum of the American West) 和 take a two-hour horseback ride with Sunset Ranch Hollywood: its rides along the Mulholl和 Trail 和 Mt. Hollywood offer clear views of the sign. 

Hit the beach at Crystal Cove State Park,
Newport Beach

Orange County 这里有风景如画的海滩,适合冲浪、SUP和潮池. Crystal Cove State Park, set along 3.5 miles of coastline around Newport Beach 和 Laguna Beach, offers all of that 和 更多的. 州立公园从1号高速公路向东延伸,穿过点缀着绿树成荫的山丘,小径纵横交错,长达18英里. 为了一个像广告里那样的田园诗般的海滩日, 在公园内选择不同的区域:莫罗海滩是沙滩游戏的好去处, body surfing, kayaking, 而暗礁点和鹈鹕点在退潮时是极好的潮池. You can stay overnight too, either in the campground 或者在水晶湾历史街区(Crystal Cove Historic District)的一栋20世纪40年代的别墅里.

Lounge poolside at Ingleside Estate,
Palm Springs

The whole Palm Springs 拥有独特建筑和好莱坞历史的时光机. Get a dose of both when you stay at the Ingleside Estate, 这家20世纪20年代的西班牙殖民酒店曾接待过弗兰克·辛纳屈等名人, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe. Spend plenty of time by the pool, as seen in the ad, surrounded by palm trees, bougainvillea, mountains in the distance. Don’t miss Melvyn’s, the sleek onsite restaurant that offers live jazz, an old-school cocktail menu, plenty of retro charm. 

Play in the snow,
Lake Tahoe

在许多地方,你可以滑雪或单板滑雪,直到春天(甚至夏天) Lake Tahoe ski resorts, as seen in the commercial. At both Heavenly 和 Homewood, you get amazing views of the 99.99%纯净的湖泊就在斜坡上,你将享受奥运会级别的跑步 Northstar CaliforniaKirkwood Mountain ResortPalisades Tahoe. 如果你喜欢越野,那就去探索这里的100条小径吧 Royal Gorge, North America’s largest cross-country ski resort.

Paddle the Klamath River,
Yurok Country

一段40英里长的克拉马斯河从这里流过 Yurok Country—the North Coast reservation that is the home of the Yurok people, the largest Native California 部落. 通过两到四个小时的游览,探索河流和当地文化 Redwood Yurok Canoe Tours. 您将划着传统的红木独木舟,就像广告中看到的那样,您的导游将为您提供有关河流和森林的生态和文化见解.

Catch a show at Rady Shell,
San Diego

In San Diego 你可以沉浸在大城市的文化中,同时享受一个愉快的户外夜晚. Check out the calendar 为 Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, seen at the end of the commercial. 沿着圣地亚哥的Embarcadero码头公园,这座令人惊叹的建筑举办巡回演出以及圣地亚哥交响乐团. You can also enjoy 晚餐 on show nights, 这要归功于会场的街头食品馆和贝壳供应,展示了当地著名的厨师,如 Top Chef 冠军 Richard Blais

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