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9 Amazing California Destinations for Well-Being Getaways

9 Amazing California Destinations for Well-Being Getaways

Start 2023 right by disconnecting from the world 和 reconnecting with yourself in these wellness-focused locales
发布于10个月前作者:Jessica Sebor

从日光浴室到“海上疗法”,” there’s a long tradition of doctors prescribing fresh air, 海洋的微风, a healthy dose of Vitamin D to cure what ails you. 海岸线长达840英里, 广阔的原始自然, 还有全年的阳光, 加州无疑拥有这一切. Plan a 2023 vacation to one of these Golden State destinations, 从北向南排列, 让治愈开始吧.   


作为通往 红杉国家公园和州立公园, 洪堡县 is the unofficial California capital of shinrin-yoku—the ancient 日本 practice of “forest bathing.” Find a sense of peace in the primordial forest along the 教堂树木小径 或者是 蕨峡谷环线. 前往海滨城市 尤里卡 调制你的完美药剂 洪堡草本植物 和 calm your mind in Peter Santino’s interactive “All Happy Now” earth sculpture at 洪堡植物园. Come June, feast on nature’s bounty 在 阿卡塔湾牡蛎节庆祝海洋的美味大餐.

Mt. 沙士达山

雄伟的周围地区 山沙士达山 一直以来都因其 治疗功效. The environmentalist John Muir once proclaimed that after he laid eyes on the mountain, 我的血变成了酒, 从那以后,我就没有感到疲倦过.享受一些安静的反思 黑豹草地萨克拉门托河源头, which have been spiritual spots for Indigenous People for thous和s of years. Go on a spiritual journey with tour guide Andrew Oser of Mt. 沙士达山撤退. Overnight in nature with a camp spot at 城堡湖 or 麦克布莱德弹簧 (reserve well in advance) or book a cozy cabin at Pneuma研究所静修中心.


Located on the coast north of San Francisco, 奇诺 has a centuries-long tradition of beckoning wellness-seekers to the area’s natural hot springs. 访问 薇姿泉 or 奥尔温泉 (both in Ukiah) for some mineral-rich hydrotherapy. 撤退到红杉 的Madrones 度假村,藏在充满葡萄园 安德森谷. Or find solace along the shore with the Little River Inn’s “Wellness Package,” combining a two-night stay with a relaxing massage, seaweed body scrub, entry to 门多西诺植物园, a session with a doctor of 中国人 medicine. 


如果你觉得负担过重, 太浩湖的 sapphire waters 和 snow-capped peaks might be just wh在 doctor ordered. This area marries outdo或者一个dventure with five-star luxury. In the winter months, spend the day slicing through fresh powder at 太浩栅栏 or 北极星加州滑雪胜地. 在夏天,考验你的勇气 a 树顶绳索课程 或者和一些人一起去湖边 一口瑜伽 或者一个 帆船宪章. Refresh your spirit with a hot stone treatment at 太浩湖的丽思卡尔顿酒店 or book a high-altitude massage from the 斯阔溪的度假胜地.


With more than 60,000 acres of vineyards, 索诺玛县 最出名的是好酒. While a day of tasting certainly qualifies as self-care—Zinf和els 和 Pinot Noirs are chock full of antioxidants—this area has plenty of wellness activities for teetotalers, 太. 飘下来 the Russian River, hike along 17 miles of coastline in 索诺玛海岸州立公园,或报名参加一个 sculpture-filled漫步迪罗莎当代艺术中心 在附近的纳帕县. Feast on nourishing (和 world-class) farm-to-table fare at restaurants like 拉海耶咖啡馆, 农家旅馆, 美迪森, SingleThread.


蒙特利的 windswept beauty makes for one of the most popular places to unwind on the West Coast. Choose from a myriad of wellness resorts 包括 the boutique Moss Point L和ing的旅店精神刺激 沙伦研究所,全方位服务 圣堂海滩度假村, or 圆石滩的小屋, which recently opened 1,300-square-foot suites overlooking the 18th hole at its famed golf course. Spend your days reconnecting with nature on a leisurely bike ride along the 蒙特利湾海岸休闲步道 或者在海獭旁边划皮艇 鹿角泥沼.


In 拉古纳海滩, travelers searching f或者一个 sense of inner peace can follow the 禅宗之路这是这座海滨城市的健康之路. The guide outlines a dozen destinations 和 activities to encourage a reset. Consider watching the sun set beyond the Pacific from the aptly named 世界之巅, browse for fresh produce 在 Sunday 拉古纳海滩农贸市场平衡你的能量 脉轮水疗, experience the mood-improving power of a good belly laugh with a beachside session from 拉古纳笑声俱乐部


Thanks in part to its easy access from Los Angeles, 约书亚树国家公园 和 surrounding Mojave desert have been a long-time escape for hippies, 潮人, 精神寻求者. 访问 the park to see sweeping vistas from 瑞安山Keys视图—or plan a trip for February through April f或者是 possibility of encountering a mind-bending 野花superbloom. Soak up a sound bath 在 1950s cupola structure known as the Integratron, reopening f或者是 season on Feb 2, or take a journey through the galaxy after dark with 天空观察者天空之旅


加州最南端的 海滨城市 delivers a relaxed, s和-in-your-hair take on wellness. Connect with the waves at Swami’s Beach, located below the 自我实现中心 in ,或从中吸取教训 冲浪天后 or 海洋海滩冲浪学校. Nourish your body with plant-based whole foods 在 area’s numerous vegan-focused restaurants 和 cafes, 包括 家族, 情节, 谷物, 唐娜琼. F或者一个 next-level detox, explore the holistic health services from Place360 在德尔玛, 太平洋上的珍珠 在拉霍亚,或者在 科罗纳多酒店.



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